Wellness And Safety At Seashore Senior Living
– Best In Class Assisted Living Care
– 24/7 Care
– Custom Diet Plans To Help Residents Thrive
How Does Seashore Support Safety And Wellness?
At Seashore Senior Living, we make safety a priority. We know from the families of our residents that one of the primary reasons a family will consider assisted living is because of safety in the first place. When a sick or frail person can no longer care for themselves, that’s when an assisted living facility becomes a viable option.
Our safety priorities are numerous, but the top three are:
1. Falls
2. Wandering
3. Infections
Maintaining a balance of safety, while still giving residents some freedom, is a challenge, and therefore we do not follow a one-size-fits-all approach. Every resident is different, we customize a plan for each resident that makes sense given their desires, the desires of their family, and the capabilities of the residents themselves.
How We Focus On “The Big 3”
According to the CDC, falls are one of the leading causes of fatal and nonfatal injuries among people age 65 and older. We start at admittance with a thorough screening for risk of falls. We also conduct prescreening on a scheduled basis.
Then, we customize an approach to that resident, which may include a variety of layers, including scheduled time for higher-risk behaviors (such as bathroom breaks), dietary modifications (to minimize lower blood sugar), medication review (for medications that have side effects such as dizziness and drowsiness), exercise therapy, and environmental precautions (such as raised-perimeter mattresses, walkers, furniture, and clutter).
We’ve found that with a robust fall-prevention program, we can mitigate the risk and danger of falls.
Wandering into unsafe areas or outside the facility is a primary concern for patients with cognitive conditions, such as Alzheimer’s or dementia. As with falling, we screen residents for risk of wandering and plan accordingly.
With a combination of tools, including security equipment, secure entrances and exits, security awareness and vigilance, and unique, personal adjustments made on a resident basis.
Infection Control
It’s well-known that seniors are consider immune-compromised, which makes them more prone to complications from infections. Our program of course starts with…screening and assessment for risk, including pre-existing conditions or medications that impact immunity.
We also institute a program that includes vigorous hygiene (cleaning policies, regular hand washing, and sneeze/cough control), vaccination education and their importance, surveillance and monitoring on local health conditions, and regular testing protocols, as well as outbreak mitigation contingency plans.